The Blemish Banisher

Essentially Healthy Life

The All-Natural, Allergen-Free Antidote for Adult Acne


When you have an endocrine system disorder such as hypothyroidism, hormone imbalances can easily lead to adult acne. Puberty was bad enough, but having acne while you’re also trying to reduce wrinkles just seems unfair. While you want to alleviate your acne woes right away, you should also know what you’re putting on your skin. You don’t want your acne cream to make things worse, and you don’t want to spend a ton of money on new skin treatments.

Rather than use a ton of harsh chemicals on your skin, why not try an all-natural, soothing salve that you can make at home for a fraction of the cost of anything you can buy? This cream takes just over five minutes to make, smells great, and stores very well. Give it a try.

1/4 cup unrefined coconut oil
6 drops tea tree essential oil

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